The Ballad of the Crybaby

I hate complainers. Well, hate is an extremely strong word. I guess strongly dislike would be more of the case. 

Everybody knows that one person who is the belly-acher. The one who always has something to say about something. There’s always a problem and they can always either do it better or they just want to make snide comments about what’s going on. 

I generally consider myself a pretty easy going person. There aren’t too many things that bother me and if they do, I generally say something about it. But lately, I have noticed that I have been one of “those people.”

It crept in throughout various aspects of my life. I first noticed it when Jeg asked me to do something at the house. I would scoff and grumble at even the most menial of tasks. (I mean, how hard is it to get a glass of water?) Then I began to notice it in my work, my friendships, and it began to creep into my worship. That was the breaking point. 

When I started writing this, it was kind of hard because it was something that really preached to me. Isn’t that how it usually is? Something that we have a problem with is exactly what we don’t want to talk about, but it is exactly what we need. 

You see, when you begin to complain within your worship or even at your church, you put a rift in your relationship with God. You cease being Christ-like and become what He warned against. In Philippians 2:14-16, Paul tells the church at Phillipi “do all things without grumbling or complaining so that you may be innocent and blameless…within this crooked generation.” This statement has rung true throughout the ages and is just as relevant now as it was then. 

The Greek word translated “complainer” means literally “one who is discontented with his lot in life.” Was that me? I don’t think I’m “discontented” with my life. What I needed to do was to get back in check and it wasn’t something that I could do myself. 

The Word tells us in Ephesians 4:29 that we should “let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” So, is complaining corrupt talk? Yeah. Does it interfere with our worship? Oh yeah. Does it build up? Not one bit. Does it fit the occasion? Sometimes, but complaining never builds up the situation. 

I know there are times where people believe that their comments are warranted and they attempt to justify it by saying “well, it’s the truth.” Even if your complaint is the “truth,” does it build up? Nah, probably not. 

Romans 12:2 says “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” We need to allow God to come in and actually transform our minds and entire being. 

So today, allow God to work on your grumbling, your belly-aching, and your overall attitude. Renew your mind and spirit in Him  to rid yourself of complaining thinking. 

Thanks again for reading both internationally and here at home. As always comments and shares are appreciated. Y’all be safe out there. 

2 thoughts on “The Ballad of the Crybaby

  1. I love this. I have been dealing with the same thing lately, grumbling and complaining and believing its warranted because of the work I do around the house, but now I realize that it’s NEVER warranted, ever. Thanks for writing these, Jacob. They are always a great read and encouraging.


  2. Stop preaching to me, you’re not my Daddy!
    Lol just kidding..but for real, that hit home. Thanks for sharing.
    Love and miss you.


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